Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Built In YouTube Video Editor

So today we needed to throw a quick video up that didn't need much editing. I had noticed that youtube now had it's own built in editor but I figured it wasn't worth using so i hadn't looked at it. I was wrong.

It essentially has all of the same basic functionality of iMovie or Windows Movie Maker but it might even be a little easier to use? I'm still on the fence. For us, I can think of one really cool thing we can do with it. We have over 400 videos loaded on our channel. If you use the built in editor you can go and pull clips from anything you've got loaded to your youtube. That sounds SO much better than digging through b-roll and project files to find information only to just recreate it. I can see us using this quite a bit in the future. Maybe when events repeat themselves and we want to do a preview video?

For personal use I am super excited about finding this. I load YouTube videos from my iphone. Now here's a way to splice them together without ever having to take up hard drive space with them on my mac. You can apply effects to the video, add audio, just basic editing. But who needs more than that for putting together home videos?

check it out:

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