Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Using Your Manual Settings On Your SLR Camera

This is an easy reference on what all of those settings on your brand new SLR mean. We all have them now and EVERYONE is a photographer. Between the rebel and instagram photography is doomed :) I plan to write something up on what you should buy when looking to purchase your first SLR and why, but until then I'll just post a pretty graphic. Make sure to read the fine print on all of these lines. Especially under aperture - blurred vs focus. When you put your camera on the M setting (on Canon) you can change all of these things. But don't attempt that right before your kids graduation! MAKE SURE YOU PLAY WITH THESE before you rely on them to capture anything that is important. When in doubt, shoot on auto. BUT once you learn how to use these you will NEVER use your automatic settings again. Learning these will transform your photo taking abilities. 

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