Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mac Keyboard Shortcuts: Bullet Points and Screenshots Are My Favorites

I know it seems like a really easy thing to figure out but I wish you knew how long it took me to figure out how to create a bullet point in photoshop. Some day, photoshop will have full text editor features. This is a REALLY simple post but I'm going to link to a GREAT resource:
  • To make a bullet point in photoshop: hold option + 8 at the same time and you will get this: • which is a BEAUTIFUL sight after you've been fighting with photoshop to line up your dots with your list. Alternatively you can always just copy and paste your bullet list but that's neither here nor there. :)
  • To screenshot an area of your screen (we do this ALL of the time when we are in the process of sending drafts of large graphics out to everyone for review): command + shift + 4 . We also enjoy taking screen shots of peoples faces in videos at those awkward moments, like this...

Another great use for screenshots is documenting things you see on social media. Keeps the time stamp, location, etc all in tact. We file ours in a folder. These are good things to screenshot. You know. Just in case it ever comes up again:

but go check out this guys site and notice the tabs at the top of the page. it has some amazing shortcuts i didn't know about and he's dead on with his app recommendations: http://www.danrodney.com/mac/index.html

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