Monday, July 22, 2013

you can google anything

including 1-800 numbers. as hard as i try to avoid it, i have some family members that don't have the best track record who like to write my number down on things. if i see a number i don't recognize i google it if they don't leave a message. try it. it's genius. i also used this for much more legitimate reasons once when i had a bad feeling after giving a guy my credit card number. he was part of an organization collecting donations for military families. after originally not agreeing to donate over the phone (because i had a kid on both hips) and telling him to please email me the info, he somehow convinced me to put down one child and dig out my wallet. i was flustered, david was deployed, and it was just $20, right? EPIC FAIL. immediately googled the number after we hung up and called and cancelled the card. there's a special place on the dark side for people like that. anywho - this made me giggle after looking up a number today.

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